An official website of the House of Commons
House Clerk

House Committees

This page is an archive of the 2022nd Assembly of the House.

Measures in this typeface shall indicate the measure was discharged out of Committee.
Chair | Leo Cavinder
Ranking Member | Tim Cavinder


The House passed H Res 54 that established this committee to investigate House Renovation Practices. The Speaker appointed himself and Tim Cavinder to serve on the Select Committee.


The following is the purpose of the Select Committee:

  • To investigate and report upon the facts in respect to all violations of the House Renovation Act
  • To investigate and report upon the facts in respect to all damage occurring because of George Neal
  • Pursuant to House Resolution 53, provide for a replacement contractor and approve the dissolution of George Neal as the contractor
  • Functions

    The following are the functions of the Select Committee:

  • Find all violations of George Neal in respect to the Act
  • Find all damage to the Property of the House caused by George Neal and an estimated value to replace such damage
  • Provide for approval of dissolution of George Neal
  • Provide for a replacement of a contractor to repair and finish all aspects of the Act
  • Issue a final report to the House containing such findings, conclusions, and recommendations
  • Select Committee Reports

    Pursuant to Section 4(b) of H Res 54, the Select Committee may report to the House or any committee of the House from time to time the results of its investigations, together with such detailed findings and legislative recommendations as it may deem advisable.

  • May 31, 2022 Incident Report | Download PDF

  • House Renovation Fiances (As of June 3) | Download Excel Sheet

  • Recorded Videos for Evidence | Folder

  • George Neal Menards Receipts Tranaction Log (As of June 26 at 3 PM) | Download Excel Sheet

  • Money We Are Collecting | View PDF

  • Final Report
    • Exhibit C - June 18 Invoice
    • Exhibit E - Menards Receipts/Records
    • Exhibit G - Menards Rebate Records
    • Exhibit H - Original House Renovation Plans
    • Exhibit I - Updat House Renovation Finances
    • Exhibit J - Other Receipts

    Termination and Records

  • The Select Committee shall terminate 30 days after filing the final report.
  • Upon the termination of the Select Committee, the records of the Select Committee shall become records of the House as designated by the Speaker.
  • Action We Have Taken

  • On June 12, we Approved the Removal of George Neal and found a replacement. The House passed H Res 56 which approved the removal and fill in the vacancy.
  • The Select Committee is working to collect money from the damages. The House approved the ability for us to prosecute if necessary to collect the money.
  • On July 7, we moved to take civil action against Mr. Neal
  • Chair | Leo Cavinder
    Ranking Member | Tim Cavinder
    Access Amendment Resources
    Bill Sponsor Members Title Information
    HR 38 Leo Cavinder The Taxation Act Discharged under H Res 75
    HR 30 Leo Cavinder Contractor Standards and Accountability Act (CSAA) Hearing
    July, 27, 2022, 2:00 PM
    Via Google Meets
    Amendment Process
    Deadline on July 22 at noon
    H Res 61 Tim Cavinder Establish Offical Cheese of the House
    H Res 60 Sarah Cavinder Establish a Committee to Protect Cod
    H Res 48 Leo Cavinder Provide for consideration of H Res 48 and HR 28
    HR 28 Leo Cavinder Outdoor Advancement Act of 2022
    H Res 44 Leo Cavinder Provide for consideration of H Res 43 and HR 24
    HR 26 Leo Cavinder Speed Limit Act
    HR 25 Leo Cavinder Executive Act
    HR 24 Leo Cavinder Speaker Requirement Act
    H Res 22 Leo Cavinder Provide for Consideration of HR 9
    HR 9 Leo Cavinder Amendement to House Renovation Act of 2021
    H Res 26 Sarah Cavinder Repeal House Resolution 24
    HR 16 Leo Cavinder Limited Amendments to House Renovation Act
    H Res 28 Leo Cavinder Providing for Consideration of HR 16 and for other purposes
    H Res 30 Leo Cavinder Censure Sarah Cavinder, a Member of the House


    Amendment Deadline

    July 22 by noon


    July 27, 2022 at 2:00 PM, Via Google Meets


    Resolution - H Res 64
    Report - House Rpt. 222-01

    Rule Information

    1. Structured Rule for HR 30;
    2. Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by a proponent and opponent or their designees;
    3. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill;
    4. Provides that amendments printed in Part A of House Report 222-01 shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read;
    5. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended;
    6. Provides that following debate, each further amendment printed in Part B of House Report 222-01 report not earlier considered as part amendments en bloc pursuant to section 3 shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, may be withdrawn by the proponent at any time before the question is put thereon, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question;
    7. Section 3 provides that at any time after debate the chair of the Committee on Rules & Reform or his designee may offer amendments en bloc consisting of further amendments printed in Part B of House Report 222-01 report not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 30 minutes equally divided and controlled by a proponent and an opponent or their designees, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question; and
    8. Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in Part B of the report and amendments en bloc described in Section 3 of this Resolution.

    Committee Votes

    MOTION BY LEO CAVINDER TO REPORT THE RULE - Agreed to without objection


    # Version # Sponsor(s) Summary Status
    1 2 Leo Cavinder Amend the summary clause; technical correction Agreed To
    2 1 Leo Cavinder Strike the requirement to be a citizen of the U.S. Made in Order
    3 1 Leo Cavinder Clarify the role is in the Committee, not the House Made in Order
    4 1 Leo Cavinder Correct Section 2 subsection; technical correction Withdrawn
    5 1 Leo Cavinder Clarify the nomination of the contractor. Updated to meet requirement of Rule XIX. Made in Order
    6 1 Leo Cavinder Clarify that the Committee shall be discharged from consideration stating if the nominated person meets the requirements. Made in Order
    7 2 Leo Cavinder Amend the assistant applicability clause. Requires assistants to be insured and bonded, does not take social security benefits, subject to crimes. States that the House is not subject to payment or nomination. Defines Assistant. Made in Order
    8 1 Leo Cavinder Amend Line 53 by inserting “vote on the” between “A” and “nomination” Made in Order
    9 1 Leo Cavinder Amend Line 104 and 105 by striking “and an Assistant” Made in Order
    10 2 Leo Cavinder Adds a management section to the Act, to manage process of collecting required information and powers granted. Made in Order
    11 1 Leo Cavinder Requires the contractor to either be a resident or be primary employed in the State of Indiana Made in Order
    12 1 Leo Cavinder Requires the contractor and all assistants to submit a limited criminal history record. Sets disqualification standard. Made in Order

    Leo Cavinder, on behalf of the Committee on Rules & Reform, submitted House Report 221-05.

    Bill to Be Heard Sponsor Members Committee Recommendation to House
    HR 28 Leo Cavinder DO PASS
    H Res 48 Leo Cavinder DO PASS

    Leo Cavinder, on behalf of the Committee on Rules & Reform, submitted House Report 221-02.

    Bill to Be Heard Sponsor Members Committee Recommendation to House
    H Res 22 Leo Cavinder DO PASS 2-0
    HR 9 Leo Cavinder DO PASS AMEND 2-0

    Leo Cavinder, on behalf of the Committee on Rules & Reform, submitted House Report 221-03.

    Bill to Be Heard Sponsor Members Committee Recommendation to House
    HR 16 Leo Cavinder DO PASS AMEND 2-0
    H Res 28 Leo Cavinder DO PASS 2-0
    Bill Sponsor Members Title
    HR 9 Leo Cavinder Amendement to House Renovation Act of 2021
    HR 5 Sarah Cavinder Hood Re-establish Act
    HR 2 Sarah Cavinder --
    Bill to Be Heard Sponsor Members Committee Recommendation to House
    HR 9 Leo Cavinder REJECTED 1-2
    Chair | Christina Cavinder
    Ranking Member | Leo Cavinder

    Bill Sponsor Members Title
    H J Res 7 Leo Cavinder Provide that HEAA can apply to public settings, including vacations
    HR 23 Leo Cavinder Vacation Rights Act of 2022 and an accompanying veto message
    HR 27 Leo Cavinder Sick Vacation Act
    H Res 41 Tim Cavinder Vacation to Columbus, Ohio and for other purposes
    H J Res 6 Leo Cavinder Amend Section 5 of the Better Vacation Planning Act of 2021

    Markup Session for 2022 Vacation

    Current Status | House Concurres

    Date: May 14, 2022
    Location: In-person
    Purpose: As required under the Better Vacation Planning Act, the Committee on Vacation meets to debate and vote on each submitted location for consideration of 2022 Vacation.
    Presiding: Christina Cavinder, Chair


    The Committee has not subpoenaed anyone.

    Locations to be Considered

    The Chair and Ranking Member will vote on each location. If both vote NAY, the location will no longer be considered. If there is a tie, the location will move forward. If both vote YEA, the location will move forward. Results will be in a House Report and sent to the Speaker.

    • Philadelphia
      Chair, YEA; Ranking Member, YEA
    • Wisconsin
      Chair, YEA; Ranking Member, NAY
    • Jamestown, VA
      Chair, NAY; Ranking Member, NAY
    • Memphis, TN
      Chair, NAY; Ranking Member, NAY
    • Black Hills, Arkansas
      Chair, NAY; Ranking Member, NAY
    • Cleveland, OH
      Chair, YEA; Ranking Member, NAY
    • Upper Peninsula (UP), MI
      Chair, YEA; Ranking Member, YEA
    • Pigeon Ford, TN
      Chair, YEA; Ranking Member, NAY
    • Springfield, IL
      Chair, YEA; Ranking Member, NAY
    • Elk, CA
      Chair, YEA; Ranking Member, YEA
    • Santa Fe, NM
      Chair, NV; Ranking Member, YEA
    • Southern Illinois
      Chair, YEA; Ranking Member, NAY
    • Southern Indiana
      Chair, YEA; Ranking Member, NAY
    • Great Wolf Lodge, OH
      Chair, YEA; Ranking Member, NAY

    House Concurrence

    The House passed H Res 52, which approved Philadelphia for the 2022 Vacation. In addition, they approved the Intnent for Elk, CA.


    May 24, 2022 - Leo Cavinder, on behalf of the Committee on Vacation, submitted House Report 221-06.

    Meeting on a Report Recommending that the House of Commons take a Vacation to Columbus, Ohio

    Date: RESCHEDULED TO APRIL 2 2022, Concluded April 2 2022
    Location: In-person, Room C200
    Purpose: The Committee on Vacation will meet to consider vacation for the first week of April. The House has already passed an Intent Resolution (H Res 39), as required under HCC.
    Presiding: Tim Cavinder, Ranking Member


    • Leo W. Cavinder
      Speaker of the House
      Subpoenaed March 28, 2022
    • Sarah Cavinder
      Subpoenaed March 28, 2022


  • Tim Cavinder, on behalf of the Committee on Vacation, submitted House Report 221-04

  • Communication from the Speaker on Passage of H Res 39

  • Supeona Sarah Cavinder

  • Supeona Leo W. Cavinder
  • Chair: Leo Cavinder | Ranking Member: Christina Cavinder

    Bill Sponsor Members Title
    H J Res 7 Leo Cavinder Provide that HEAA can apply to public settings, including vacations
    H Res 28 Leo Cavinder Provide for Purchase of COVID-19 Tests

    Chair: Leo Cavinder | Ranking Member: Tim Cavinder

    Bill Sponsor Members Title