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House Clerk

Roll Call Votes

Total Entries:

There is no digital record for votes past Roll Call No. 12 at this time.
Roll Call No.
Measure No. Question Date Result
66 NOMINATION On Confirmation of Secretary of Commerce Nomination (NM 3) Nov 30 2022 YEAS
65 HR 38 On Adoption following Reconsideration Nov 30 2022 YEAS
64 HR 38 On Motion to Reconsider Nov 30 2022 YEAS
63 HR 38 On Adoption Nov 30 2022 YEAS
62 H Res 74 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Oct 30 2022 NAYS
61 NOMINATION On Confirmation of Secretary of Commerce Nomination (NM 2) Oct 17 2022 YEAS
60 HR 35 On Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Sept 14 2022 LOST
59 HR 35 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Sept 14 2022 LOST
58 HR 31 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass August 16 2022 NAYS
57 HR 32 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass August 16 2022 NAYS
56 HR 33 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass August 16 2022 NAYS
55 H Res 69 On Point of Order Against Consideration August 10 2022 YEAS
54 H Res 68 On Motion to Postpone Indefiently the Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass August 7 2022 YEAS
53 H Res 66 On Motion to Postpone Indefiently the Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass August 7 2022 YEAS
52 H Res 67 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass August 7 2022 YEAS
51 H Res 63 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass July 27 2022 YEAS
50 H Res 63 On Motion to Recommitt July 27 2022 NAYS
49 H Res 61 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass July 13 2022 YEAS
48 H Res 60 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass July 13 2022 LOST
47 H J Res 9 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass July 5 2022 YEAS
46 H Res 52 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass May 25 2022 LOST
45 H Res 49 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass May 23 2022 NAYS
44 H Res 51 On Motion to Recommitt May 23 2022 YEAS
43 H J Res 8 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass May 2 2022 LOST
42 H Res 43 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass April 20 2022 YEAS
41 H Res 45 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass April 20 2022 LOST
40 H Res 44 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass April 18 2022 NAYS
39 HR 26 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass April 2 2022 YEAS
38 HR 24 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass April 12 2022 NAYS
37 H Res 41 On Adoption April 2 2022 YEAS
36 H Res 30 On Motion to Re-consider March 24 2022 LOST
35 QUORUM Quorum Call March 24 2022
34 H Res 30 On Adoption March 24 2022 YEAS
33 HR 21 On Passage March 21 2022 NAYS
32 HR 21 On Passage March 20 2022 NAYS
31 H J Res 3 On Adoption Feb 21 2022 YEAS
30 HR 15 On Motion to Re-consider Feb 17 2022 NAYS
29 HR 15 On Adoption Feb 17 2022 NAYS
28 H Res 24 On Adoption Feb 17 2022 YEAS
27 H Res 24 On Ordering the Previous Question Feb 17 2022 YEAS
26 H Res 25 On Adoption Feb 17 2022 LOST
25 HR 13 On Passage Feb 16 2022 NAYS
24 H Res 23 On Adoption Feb 16 2022 YEAS
23 H J Res 2 On Adoption Feb 16 2022 NAYS
22 NOMINATIONS On Confirmation Feb 13 2022 YEAS
21 HR 11 On Ordering Previous Question Feb 10 2022 YEAS
20 HR 9 On Passage Feb 04 2022 NAYS
19 HR 9 On Concurrence to Amendment No. 1 printed in Part B of House Report 221-02 Feb 04 2022 NAYS
18 HR 10 On Passage Feb 02 2022 YEAS
17 HR 5 On Motion to Recommit to Committee of the Whole House Jan 26 2022 YEAS
16 HR 6 On Re-ordering Previous Question Jan 26 2022 NAYS
15 HR 6 On Motion to Reconsider Previous Question Jan 26 2022 YEAS
14 H Res 16 On Motion to Postpone Indefinitely Jan 20 2022 LOST
13 H Res 17 On Adoption Jan 20 2022 LOST
12 HR 1 On Motion to Concur to Amendment No. 2 Jan 16 2022 YEAS
11 H Res 11 On Ordering Previous Qustion Jan 14 2022 YEAS
10 H Res 11 On Adoption Jan 14 2022 LOST
09 H Res 14 On Ordering Previous Question Jan 10 2022 NAYS
08 H Res 14 On Concurring to Article II Jan 10 2022 NAYS
07 H Res 7 On Adoption Jan 02 2022 YEAS
06 H Res 7 On Ordering Previous Question Jan 02 2022 YEAS
05 MOTION Adjourn Jan 02 2022 NAYS
04 H Res 8 On Adoption Jan 02 2022 YEAS
03 H Res 4 On Adoption Jan 02 2022 YEAS
02 ELECTION Election of the Speaker Jan 02 2022
01 QUORUM Quorum Call Jan 02 2022