
Total Measures Introduced: | Total Measures Agreed To/Became Law:
Data is as of December 31, 2021

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This is an archive of legislation from the 2021 Assembly. Some records are lost or vague and are reported accordingly. This shows all legislation filed to the best knowledge of the Clerk.
Number Title Sponsor Member(s) Introduced On Latest Action
HR 875 The Rules and Reform Act Leo Cavinder Dec 16 2021 Became Law
HR 8752 The Cabinet Act Leo Cavinder Dec 11 2021 Became Law
HR 504 The House Tax Code of 2021 Leo Cavinder Dec 3 2021 Failed House
HR 4513 Confederacy Recognition Act Sarah Cavinder Oct 17 2021 Failed House
HR 1225 Christmas Tree Replacement Act of 2021 Leo Cavinder
Christina Cavinder
Nov 9 2021 Became Law
HR 8157 House Storm Repair Act Leo Cavinder Sept 4 2021 Became Law
HR 7420 Better Vacation Planning Act Leo Cavinder Nov 11 2021 Became Law
HR 5100 Amending Title 3 of Section 4 of House of Commons Code Leo Cavinder Oct 30 2021 Became Law
HR 4589 Car Renovation Act of 2021 Leo Cavinder July 29 2021 Vetoed by Speaker
HR 1 Supporting LGBTQ+ Act of 2021 Leo Cavinder Dec 22 2021 Became Law
HR 580 The Dinner Act Leo Cavinder May 9 2021 Became Law
HR 4502 House Safety Act of 2021 Leo Cavinder July 29 2021 Introduced
HR 673 Summer Vacation Planning Act Leo Cavinder 2021 Became Law
HR 4122 Michigan Vacation Act of 2021 Sarah Cavinder
Tim Cavinder
May 26 2021 Became Law
HR 10 Establish House Code and Law Numbers Leo Cavinder July 16 2021 Became Law
HR 1883 Speaker Day of 2021 Leo Cavinder May 11 2021 Became Law
HR 570 The Grass Restoration Act Leo Cavinder May 9 2021 Became Law
HR 785 2021 Summer Vacation Act Leo Cavinder
Christina Cavinder
April 10 2021 Became Law
HR 575 The Mother's Day Act of 2021 Leo Cavinder 2021 Became Law
HR 500 Selling Video Games Act of 2021 Sarah Cavinder 2021 Introduced
HR 800 Summer Vacation Act of 2022 Christina Cavinder 2021 Became Law
HR 2345 House Renovation Act of 2021 Christina Cavinder July 29 2021 Became Law
H Res 5701 Remove Christina Cavinder from Committee on Vacation Sarah Cavinder Dec 11 2021 Failed House
H Res 188 Providing for Consideration of the House Leo Cavinder 2021 Agreed To
H Res 180 Speaker Veto Powers Leo Cavinder May 10 2021 Agreed To
H Res 1997 Consideration of HR 575, HR 580 Leo Cavinder 2021 Agreed To
H Res 1880 Sine Die of 1st Session; Recess June 2021 Leo Cavinder May 11 2021 Agreed To
H Res 12 Add Boise, Idaho to HR 4122 vis-a-vis HR 785 Leo Cavinder June 15 2021 Agreed To
H Res 6 Allow Speaker to Appoint Members to Committees Leo Cavinder June 15 2021 Agreed To
H Res 9 Amend HR 4122 Leo Cavinder June 15 2021 Agreed To
H Res 10 Amend HR 785 and HR 4122 Leo Cavinder June 15 2021 Agreed To
H Res 11 Insert Tennessee to HR 4122 to vis-a-vis HR 785 Leo Cavinder June 15 2021 Agreed To
H Res 178 Honoring Greg Hildebrand and his treatment with skin cancer Sarah Cavinder May 9 2021 Agreed To
H Res 1739 In the Matter of Sarah Cavinder Leo Cavinder May 20 2021 Agreed To
H Res 75 Impeaching a Member of the House Leo Cavinder May 28 2021 Vetoed by Speaker
H Res 558 Remove Sarah Cavinder as a Member Leo Cavinder Aug 6 2021 Agreed To
H Res 688 Permit House in Reccess for Vacation, Mask Requirements, and for other purposes Leo Cavinder Oct 10 2021 Agreed To
H Res 858 Providing for consideration of HR 1 Leo Cavinder Dec 22 2021 Agreed To
H Res 850 Censure Sarah E. Cavinder Leo Cavinder Dec 21 2021 Agreed To
H Res 570 Consideration of HR 8157 and H. Res. 600 Leo Cavinder Aug 29 2021 Agreed To
H Res 857 Consideration of H. Res. 850 Leo Cavinder Dec 21 2021 Agreed To
H Res 725 Amending H. Res. 700 Sarah Cavinder Dec 12 2021 Agreed To
H Res 555 Providing for Consideration of HR 2345 and for other purposes Leo Cavinder Aug 1 2021 Agreed To
H Res 5564 Approve Leo Cavinder's Absence from High School Leo Cavinder Dec 11 2021 Agreed To
H Res 838 Provide for Consideration of HR 8752 Leo Cavinder Dec 11 2021 Agreed To
H Res 700 Committee on Vacation Report Regarding Trip to New York, NY for Saturday Night Live Leo Cavinder Dec 11 2021 Agreed To
H Res 602 Amend House Administration and for other purposes Leo Cavinder Sept 4 2021 Agreed To
H Res 600 To Reinstate a Member to the House; Authorize House Recess; Tennessee Vacation Leo Cavinder Sept 4 2021 Agreed To
H Res 330 Consideration of HR 570, HR 785, H. Res. 1737 Leo Cavinder 2021 Agreed To
H Res 980 Consideration of HR 4122 Leo Cavinder May 27 2021 Agreed To
H Res 507 _ Leo Cavinder Sept 4 2021 Agreed To
H Res 22 Amend HR 785, Sec. 2003 and for other purposes Leo Cavinder June 30 2021 Agreed To
H Res 21 Sarah Cavinder Birthday Leo Cavinder July 16 2021 Agreed To
H Res 31 Sarah Braces Start Date Sarah Cavinder July 19 2021 Failed House
H Res 40 Consideration of H. Res. 31 Leo Cavinder July 19 2021 Agreed To
H Res 41 To amend Sec. 4 of H. Res. 1 Leo Cavinder July 26 2021 Agreed To
H Res 1 House Administration and for other purposes Leo Cavinder June 15 2021 Agreed To
H Res 4 Sepreate the House Property Line Leo Cavinder June 15 2021 Agreed To
H Res 45 Consideration of H. Res. 42 and for other purposes Leo Cavinder July 29 2021 Agreed To
H Res 42 Speaker Budget; Services and operations Leo Cavinder July 28 2021 Agreed To
H Res 985 Amend HR 785 and for other purposes Leo Cavinder May 27 2021 Agreed To
H Res 1889 Leo Attending Drivers Education Leo Cavinder May 11 2021 Agreed To
H Res 1884 Enjoying Culver's Ice Cream Leo Cavinder May 11 2021 Agreed To
H Res 380 Consideration of HR 1883, H. Res. 921 and for other purposes Leo Cavinder May 13 2021 Agreed To
H Res 1885 Amend HR 785 Leo Cavinder May 11 2021 Vetoed by Speaker
H Res 1886 Sparky Middle Name as Howard Leo Cavinder May 11 2021 Agreed To
H Res 921 To Amend HR 785 Sarah Cavinder May 12 2021 Vetoed by Speaker
H Res 1782 To Amend H. Res. 380 Leo Cavinder May 14 2021 Agreed To
H Res 982 Consideration of H. Res. 872 and HR 7420 and for other purposes Leo Cavinder Nov 27 2021 Agreed To
H Res 872 Permit the Speaker to Assign Districts Leo Cavinder Nov 24 2021 Agreed To
H Res 1737 In the matter of Tim Cavinder Leo Cavinder 2021 Failed House
H Res 1740 Dinner on May 23rd Leo Cavinder May 23 2021 Agreed To
H Res 403 Consideration of H. Res. 1885, H. Res. 1899, H. Res. 1884, H. Res. 1886, and for other purposes Leo Cavinder May 18 2021 Agreed To
H Res 405 To Recongize May 23rd as World Turtle Day Sarah Cavinder May 20 2021 Agreed To
H Res 406 To Recongize July 18th as Ice Cream Day Leo Cavinder May 20 2021 Agreed To
H Res 407 To Honor Bill, Manger at Culvers, with a Gold Honor Medal Leo Cavinder May 20 2021 Agreed To
H Res 905 Amend HR 1 Sarah Cavinder Dec 25 2021 Introduced in House
H Res 900 Censure Sarah E. Cavinder Leo Cavinder Dec 22 2021 Introduced in House
H J Res 3 Amend House of Commons Code Leo Cavinder Dec 5 2021 Agreed To
H J Res 66 Commemorate Tim Cavinder for His Birthday Leo Cavinder 2021 Agreed To

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