An official website of the House of Commons
House Clerk

Floor Actions

2022, 1st Session Archive

In accordance with Rule V of the Rules of the House, the Clerk must keep a log of the events that occured during each House session. In an effort to transation to a more digital version of the House, effective February 17, 2022, the House Records will be posted electronically only. You can view the House Records prior to February 17th here .
Bill Action
[11:11 AM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 56 Leo Cavinder moved to consider the Resolution. Considered as privileged.
H Res 56 DEBATE - The House held one hour of debate.
H Res 56 The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 56 The question was on adoption of the resolution. Agreed to by voice vote.
[11:20 AM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned until July 1, 2022.
Bill Action
[5:18 PM] The House came to order
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 3(a) of Rule 1 and Clause 1 of Rule 11 of the Rules of the House, the Speaker signed the following on June 1, 2022: H Res 53, HR 27, H Res 48, HR 22, HR 29, HR 24, H Res 55, H Res 52, H Res 47, H Res 54
The Chair entertained requests for two-minute speeches. Sarah, Tim, Speaker spoke.
[5:27 PM] Pursuant to House Resolutions 12 and 55, the Chair declared the House adjourned until July 1, 2022.
Bill Action
[3:53 PM] The House came to order.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent that the House consider suspension motions. Agreed to without objection.
H Res 52 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to pass House Resolution 52. Agreed to without objection.
H Res 54 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass House Resolution 54.
H Res 54 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 54 The question is on the motion to suspend the rules and pass. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 55 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass House Resolution 55.
H Res 55 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 55 The question is on the motion to suspend the rules and pass. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 47 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to discharge the committee from consideration and agree to the resolution. Agreed to without objection.
HR 24 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass HR 24.
HR 24 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate.
HR 24 The question is on the motion to suspend the rules and pass. Agreed to by voice vote.
The Speaker enterained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah spoke.
[6:50 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12.
Bill Action
[3:53 PM] The House came to order.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 3(a) of Rule 1 and Clause 1 of Rule 11 of the Rules of House, the Speaker signed the following on May 24, 2022: HR 28
HR 29 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass HR 29. The Clerk reported the bill in full for the first time.
HR 29 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate
HR 29 The question is on the motion to suspend and pass. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 53 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass H Res 53. The Clerk reported the private resolution for the first time.
H Res 53 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate
H Res 53 The question is on the motion to suspend and pass. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 52 Pusuant to HCC 12-2-2, Leo Cavinder moved to consider H Res 52. The Clerk reported the resolution in full.
H Res 52 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 52 All time was yielded back. The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 52 The question was on passage. The Speaker declared the NAYS had it. Sarah objected. There was a sufficent second. Lost: 1-1 (Roll Call No 46)
The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah spoke.
[5:09 PM] The Speaker decalared the House adjourned untill tomorrow.
Bill Action
[8:04 PM] The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 51 Sarah Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass H Res 51. The Clerk reported the resolution.
H Res 51 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 51 Sarah moved to recommitt. Agreed to by recorded vote 3-0, 1 Present (Roll Call No 44)
H Res 49 Sarah Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass H Res 49. The Clerk reported the resolution.
H Res 49 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 49 Question on motion to suspend the rules and pass. Not agreed to by recorded vote: 1-3 (Roll Call No 45)
H Res 50 Sarah Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass H Res 50. The Clerk reported the resolution.
H Res 50 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 50 Question on motion to suspend the rules and pass. Not agreed to by voice vote.
The Speaker entertained requests for two-minute speeches. Sarah spoke.
[8:29 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[7:10 PM] The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 23 Pursuant to the May 16, 2022 Order of the House, the unfinished business was question on passage, the objections of the Speaker to the countary notwithstanding.
HR 23 A recorded vote was requested. The Chair asked if there was a sufficient second. Hearing none, the request was not granted. The question on passage was not agreed to. The bill and the veto message were referred to the Committee on Vacation and the Speaker was notified of the House's action.
The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah, The Speaker spoke.
[7:18 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent, notwithstanding the Rules of the House, that the unfinished business be postponed until May 18, 2022. Agreed to without objection.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[5:35 PM] The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Leo Cavinder, on behalf of the Committee on Rules & Reform, filed House Report No 221-05.
Referred to the House Calendar and ordered printed.
HR 23 Pursuant to the Order of the House, the unfinished business was further consideration of the veto message to HR 23.
HR 23 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
HR 23 PASSAGE - The question was on passage, the objections of the Speaker to the contrary notwithstanding. The Speaker declared the NAYS had it. Sarah objected and asked for a recorded vote.
HR 23 Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, futher proceedings on this question were postponed
H Res 48 By the direction of the Committee on Rules & Reform, Leo Cavinder called up H Res 48. The Clerk reported the Resolution in full for the first time.
H Res 48 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 48 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 48 ADOPTION - The question was on adoption. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 47 Pursuant to H Res 48, Tim Cavinder moved to consider H Res 47. The Clerk reported the Resolution in full for the first time.
H Res 47 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 47 Leo Cavinder moved to recommitt. The question was on the motion. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 28 Pursuant to H Res 48, Leo Cavinder moved to consider HR 28.
HR 28 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to have the bill considered as read. Agreed to without objection.
HR 28 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
[6:08 PM] Pursuant to Clause 9(a) of Rule I, the House stands in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[6:37 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
HR 28 DEBATE - The House resumed debate.
HR 28 All time has been yielded back.
HR 28 Leo Cavinder called up Amendment No. 1. The Clerk reported the amendment.
HR 28 DEBATE - The House proceeded with ten minutes of debate.
HR 28 CONCUR - The question was on the motion to concur to Amendment No. 1. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 28 Leo Cavinder called up Amendment No. 2. The Clerk reported the amendment.
HR 28 DEBATE - The House proceeded with ten minutes of debate.
HR 28 CONCUR - The question was on the motion to concur to Amendment No. 2. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 28 Leo Cavinder called up Amendment No. 3. The Clerk reported the amendment.
HR 28 DEBATE - The House proceeded with ten minutes of debate.
HR 28 CONCUR - The question was on the motion to concur to Amendment No. 3. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 28 Pursuant to H Res 48, the previous question was considered ordered.
HR 28 ENGROSSMENT AND THIRD READING - The question was engrossment and third reading. Agreed to.
HR 28 ADOPTION - The question was on adoption. Agreed to by voice vote.
[7:24 PM] The Chair entertained requests for five-minutes speeches. Sarah spoke.
[7:25 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned under House Resolution 12.
Bill Action
The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 3(a) of Rule 1 and Clause 1 of Rule 11 of the Rules of the House, the Speaker signed the following on May 6th, 2022: HR 25, HR 26, H Res 43, and H Res 46.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[4:50 PM] The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 23 VETO MESSAGE - The Clerk announced that the Speaker hereby sent a Veto Message to HR 23, the Vacations Rights Act. Without objection, further consideration of the veto message and the bill will be postponed until the legislative day of July 1, 2022.
H J Res 8 Sarah moved to suspend the rules and pass House Joint Resolution 8. The Clerk reported the Joint Resolution in full.
H J Res 8 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate.
H J Res 8 SUSPEND & PASS - The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass. Lost/failed by recorded vote: 1-1, 1 Present (Roll Call No 43)
The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah spoke. The Speaker spoke.
[5:09 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[7:02 PM] The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 46 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to take from the table. Agreed to without objection.
H Res 46 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to agree to the Resolution. The Clerk reported the title of the Resolution. Agreed to without objection.
[7:06 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12, and Pursuant to House Resolution 46, the House adjourns as a further mark of respect to the memory of Sparky.
Bill Action
[5:45 PM] The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 3(a) of Rule 1 and Clause 1 of Rule 11 of the Rules of the House, the Speaker signed the following on April 19, 2022: H Res 38, H Res 42, H J Res 7, and H J Res 4
H Res 45 Sarah Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass House Resolution 45. The Clerk reported the title of the resolution.
H Res 45 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 45 Question on motion to suspend and pass. The Speaker said the NAYS had it. Sarah objected. Tim seconded. The question was LOST by recorded vote: 1-1, 1 Present (Roll Call No 41)
H Res 43 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to take from the table. Agreed to without objection.
H Res 43 Leo Cavinder moved to consider the Resolution.
H Res 43 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 43 The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 43 The question on the adoption. The Speaked said the NAYS had it. Tim objected. Sarah seconded. The YEAS are 2-1 (Roll Call No 42)
The Speaker enteratined requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah spoke.
[5:57 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[5:32 PM] The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 44 Leo Cavinder moved the suspend the rules and pass House Resolution 44. The Clerk reported the title of the resolution.
H Res 44 DEBATE - The House proceed with 40 minutes of debate.
H Res 44 The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Sarah objected, Tim seconded.
H Res 44 On motion to suspend the rules and pass. Failed by recored voted: 0-2, 1 Present (Roll Call No. 40)
HR 23 Leo Cavinder moved the suspend the rules and pass HR 23. The Clerk reported the title of the bill.
HR 23 DEBATE - The House proceed with 40 minutes of debate.
HR 23 On motion to suspend the rules and pass. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 27 Leo Cavinder moved the suspend the rules and pass HR 27. The Clerk reported the title of the bill.
HR 27 DEBATE - The House proceed with 40 minutes of debate.
HR 27 On motion to suspend the rules and pass. Agreed to by voice vote.
H J Res 7 Leo Cavinder moved the suspend the rules and pass H J Res 7. The Clerk reported the title of the joint resolution.
H J Res 7 DEBATE - The House proceed with 40 minutes of debate.
H J Res 7 On motion to suspend the rules and pass. Agreed to by voice vote.
[6:09 PM] SPECIAL ORDER SPEECHES - The House has concluded with all ancipated legislative business and has proceed with special order speeches.
[6:54 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned under House Resolution 12 until Wednesday.
Bill Action
[7:28 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
The Speaker entertained requests for five-minute speeches. Tim Cavinder spoke. Sarah Cavinder spoke. The Speaker, Leo Cavinder, spoke.
POINT OF ORDER - Sarah made a point of order that the Speaker was using a laptop. The Speaker finds that the laptop does not violate any Rules of the House. The Speaker resumed his speech.
POINT OF ORDER - Sarah made a point of order that the House has not begun its business. The Speaker finds that there is no violation of the Rules of the House. The Speaker resumed his speech.
[7:43 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned until Monday.
Bill Action
[7:29 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days proceedings were agreed to
HR 26 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass HR 26. The Clerk reported the title of the bill.
HR 26 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
HR 26 The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill. Sarah objected and there was a sufficent second. Agreed to by recorded vote: 3-1 (Roll Call No 39)
SPECIAL ORDER SPEECHES - The House can concluded with all anticipated legislation for the day and has moved to Special Order Speeches.
[7:47 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12.
Bill Action
[7:40 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days proceedings were agreed to
COMMUNICATION> - The Speaker announced the removal of Tim Cavinder from the Committee on Vacation, effective.
The Speaker moved to confirm the nomation to the Committee on Vacation. The Clerk reported the nomination. Leo Cavinder to serve as Ranking Member to the Committee on Vacation.
The question was on the nomination. The Chair declared the YEAS had it. Sarah objected. Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings on this question were posponed.
H Res 42 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass House Resolution 42. The Clerk reported the title of the Resolution.
H Res 42 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 42 The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the Resolution. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 24 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass HR 24. The Clerk reported the title of the bill.
HR 24 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
HR 24 The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill. The Chair declared the YEAS had it. Sarah objected. Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings on this question were posponed.
HR 25 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass HR 25. The Clerk reported the title of the bill.
HR 25 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
HR 25 The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill. The Chair declared the YEAS had it. Sarah objected. Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings on this question were posponed.
The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Tim spoke for one-minute.
[8:07 PM] The Chair declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[8:31 PM] The Chair called the House to order, resuming the legislative day.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business was the vote on the nomination to the Committee on Vacation, on which a recorded vote was requested.
Failed to get sufficent second for a recorded vote. The nomination was confirmed by voice vote.
HR 24 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business was the vote suspending the rules and passing HR 24, on whcih a recorded vote was requested.
HR 24 SUSPEND AND PASS - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill. Failed by recorded vote: 1-2, 1 Presnet (Roll Call No 38)
HR 25 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business was the vote suspending the rules and passing HR 25, on whcih a recorded vote was requested.
HR 25 SUSPEND AND PASS - Failed to get a sufficient second for a recorded vote. Agreed to by voice vote.
The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah, Speaker, spoke for one-minute.
[8:41 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12.
Bill Action
[4:09 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H J Res 6 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass House Joint Resolution 6.
H J Res 6 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate on the motion.
H J Res 6 SUSPEND AND PASS - The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the joint resolution. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 38 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass House Resolution 38.
H Res 38 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate on the motion.
H Res 38 SUSPEND AND PASS - The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the resolution. Agreed to by voice vote.
H J Res 4 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass House Joint Resolution 4.
H J Res 4 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate on the motion.
H J Res 4 SUSPEND AND PASS - The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the joint resolution. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 22 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass HR 22.
HR 22 DEBATE - The House proceeded with fourty minutes of debate on the motion.
HR 22 SUSPEND AND PASS - The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill. Agreed to by voice vote.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Speaker entertained requests for one minute speeches.
[4:19 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12.
Bill Action
[8:30 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 3(a) of Rule 1 and Clause 1 of Rule 11 of the Rules of the House, the Speaker signed the following on April 3rd, 2022: H Res 41, H Res 40, H J Res 5, HR 21, and HR 20.
[8:33 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12.
Bill Action
[4:08 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 3(a) of Rule 1 and Clause 1 of Rule 11 of the Rules of the House, the Speaker signed the following on April 2nd, 2022: H Res 39, H Res 37, H Res 30.
[4:10 PM] The Speaker declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[5:10 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, resuming the legislative day.
Tim Cavinder, from the Committee on Vacation, filed House Report 221-04. The Speaker referred to House Calendar and ordered printed.
H Res 40 Leo Cavinder called up House Resolution 40 and asked for its immediate consideration.
H Res 40 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 40 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 40 ADOPTION - The question was on adoption. Agreed to by voice vote.
Tim Cavinder called up House Report 221-04 and asked for its immediate consideration. Pursuant to H Res 40, the Report was considered as read.
H Res 41 Tim Cavinder called up House Resolution 41 and asked for its immediate consideration. Pursuant to H Res 40, the Resolution was considered as read and debate shall be equally divided and controlled by a proponent and opponent.
H Res 41 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 41 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 41 ADOPTION - The question was on adoption. Agreed to by recorded vote: 2-1 (Roll Call No 37).
[5:32 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12.
Bill Action
The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12.
Bill Action
[8:40 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 39 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to agree to the Resolution. Agreed to without objection.
[8:42 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[6:28 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Health Advisor of the House issused Declaration 221-04.
H Res 37 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to agree to the Resolution. Agreed to without objection.
H J Res 5 Leo Cavinder called up House Joint Resolution 5 and asked for its immediate consideration.
H J Res 5 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H J Res 5 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
H J Res 5 THIRD READING - The question was on third reading. Agreed to.
H J Res 5 ADOPTION - The question was on adoption. Agreed to by voice vote.
The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches.
[6:37 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[6:27 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 3(a) of Rule 1 and Clause 1 of Rule 11 of the Rules of the House, the Speaker signed the following on March 26th, 2022: H RES 35, HR 18, HR 19.
The Chair entertained requests for one minute speeches.
[6:29 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12.
Bill Action
[4:57 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 21 Leo Cavinder moved to take from the table the motion to reconsider the bill. Agreed to by voice vote, failed to get sufficient second for recorded vote.
HR 21 ADOPTION - The question was on passage. Agred to by voice vote, failed to get sufficient second for recorded vote.
H Res 30 Leo Cavinder called up House Resolution 30 and asked for its immediate consideration.
H Res 30 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 30 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 30 ADOPTION - The question was on adoption. Agreed to by recorded vote (Roll Call No 34).
H Res 30 Sarah Cavinder moved to reconsider. Failed by voice vote.
POINT OF ORDER - Sarah made a point of order that a quorum was not present. Quorum Call 3 Present (Roll Call No 35).
The Speaker declared there was a quorum. Sarah moved to reconsider. Failed by voice vote.
[5:34 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 22, 2022.
Bill Action
[7:05 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 21 Leo Cavinder moved to take from the table the motion to reconsider the bill. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 21 ADOPTION - The question was on passage. Sarah asked for a recorded vote and Tim seconded. Yeas 1, Nays 2. Failed on passage.
HR 21 Leo Cavinder made a motion to reconsider. Leo Cavinder moved to table the motion, without objection.
[7:09 PM] The Speaker declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[7:15 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, resuming the legislative day.
H Res 36 Sarah Cavinder called up House Resolution 36 and asked for its immediate consideration.
H Res 36 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 36 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 36 ADOPTION - The question was on adoption. Failed adoption by voice vote.
HR 20 Leo Cavinder called up HR 20 and asked for its immediate consideration in the House.
HR 20 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
HR 20 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 20 THIRD READING - The question was on third reading. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 20 PASSAGE - The question was on passage. Agreed to by voice vote.
[7:29 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 22, 2022.
Bill Action
[1:49 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 21 Leo Cavinder called up HR 21 and asked for its immediate consideration in the House.
HR 21 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
STRIKE WORDS - Sarah moved to strike the words from the gentlemen, Leo Cavinder.
The Chair ruled there was no violation of the Rules of the House and the words were not striken.
HR 21 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 21 THIRD READING - The question was on third reading. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 21 PASSAGE - The question was on passage. Christina asked for a recorded vote. Sarah seconded. Yeas 1, Nays 2, 1 Present. Failed on passage.
HR 21 Leo Cavinder made a motion to reconsider. Leo Cavinder moved to table the motion, without objection.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - Sarah Cavinder spoke, Tim Cavinder spoke.
[1:58 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 21, 2022.
Bill Action
[8:14 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 35 UNAMIOUS CONSENT REQUEST - Leo Cavinder asked notwithstanding H Res 34, that the House agree to House Resolution 35, without objection.
[8:16 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 20, 2022.
Bill Action
[7:43 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 33 Leo Cavinder called up H Res 33 for its immediate consideration. Without objection, the resolution was considered read.
H Res 33 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 33 PREV QUES - The previous question was ordered. The YEAS prevailed by voice vote.
Sarah Cavinder asked unamious consent to talk out of order, without objection.
H Res 33 [7:48 PM] ADOPTION - The question was on adoption of the resolution. The YEAS prevailed by voice vote.
H Res 34 Leo Cavinder called up H Res 34 for its immediate consideration. Without objection, the resolution was considered read.
H Res 34 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 34 PREV QUES - Tim Cavinder moved the previous question. The YEAS prevailed by voice vote. Sarah Cavinder asked for a recorded vote. Failed due to lack of sufficient second.
H Res 34 ADOPTION - The question was on adoption of the resolution. The YEAS prevailed by voice vote.
[7:54 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 19, 2022.
Bill Action
[7:16 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
The Speaker entertained requests for one minute speeches. Tim Cavinder spoke for one-minute.
[7:18 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 16, 2022.
Bill Action
[4:44 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 18 Leo Cavinder called up HR 18 and asked for its immediate consideration. The Clerk reported the title of the bill. Without objection, the bill was considered as read.
HR 18 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
HR 18 [4:52 PM] Leo Cavinder moved to order the previous question to the bill. Failed by voice vote.
HR 18 RESUMED DEBATE - The House resumed debate.
HR 18 [5:00 PM] PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote, without objection.
HR 18 THIRD READING - The question was on third reading. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 18 [5:02 PM] ADOPTION - The question was on passage. Agreed to by voice vote, without objection.
HR 19 Leo Cavinder called up HR 19 and asked for its immediate consideration. The Clerk reported the title of the bill. Without objection, the bill was considered as read.
HR 19 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
HR 19 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. Agreed to by voice vote, without objection.
HR 19 THIRD READING - The question was on third reading. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 19 ADOPTION - The question was on passage. Agreed to by voice vote, without objection.
[5:04 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 15, 2022.
Bill Action
[7:19 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 32 Tim Cavinder called up H Res 32 and asked for its immediate consideration. The Clerk reported the resolution in full.
H Res 32 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
[7:21 PM] The Speaker declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[8:16 PM] The Speaker called the House to order.
H Res 32 RESUMED DEBATE - The House resumed with one hour of debate.
H Res 32 PREV QUESTION - Without objection, the previous question was ordered.
H Res 32 ADOPTION - The question was on passage to the Resolution. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it, without objection.
[8:18 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 11, 2022.
Bill Action
[7:26 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 31 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent that the House pass H Res 31, without objection.
[7:29 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 10, 2022.
Bill Action
[7:16 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Assented Bills
COMMUNICATION - Health Emergency Deceleration (No. 221-03)
[7:19 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 9, 2022.
Bill Action
[6:20 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
[6:21 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 2, 2022.
Bill Action
[1:50 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 28 By the direction of the Committee on Rules & Reform, Leo Cavinder called up H. Res. 28. The Clerk reported the resolution for first time.
H Res 28 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 28 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it, without objection.
H Res 28 ADOPTION - The question was on adoption. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it, without objection.
HR 16 Pursuant to H. Res. 28, Leo Cavinder called up HR 16. The rule provides that the bill is considered as read and debate will be equally divided and controlled by the Chair and Ranking Member on the Committee on Rules & Reform.
HR 16 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
HR 16 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to House Resolution 28, the previous question was ordered.
HR 16 THIRD READING & ENGROSSMENT - The question was on engrossment and third reading. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it.
HR 16 [2:01 PM] ADOPTION - The question was on passage. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it, without objection.
The Speaker entertained requests for five-minute speeches. Sarah Cavinder spoke for five minutes. The Speaker spoke for five minutes.
[2:06 PM] Pursuant to the Order of the House Speaker, the Chair entertained special order speeches in respect to the upcoming summer vacation.
[2:19 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourn under the provisions of House Resolution 12 until March 7, 2022.
Bill Action
[5:09 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
[5:10 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned pursuant to House Resolution 12 until March 2, 2022.
Bill Action
[5:15 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 28 Leo Cavinder filed House Report 221-03 on behalf of the Committee on Rules & Reform.
H Res 28 The Clerk reported the title of the Report. It was ordered printed and placed on the House Calendar.
HR 17 Leo Cavinder called up HR 17. The Clerk reported the bill in full for the first time.
HR 17 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
[5:27 PM] Sarah Cavinder moved to recess. The Speaker declared the NAYS had it.
HR 17 RESUMED DEBATE - The House resumed debate.
HR 17 [5:32 PM] Sarah Cavinder moved to order the previous question to the bill. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it, without objection.
HR 17 THIRD READING - The question was on third reading. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it.
HR 17 ON PASSAGE - The question was on passage. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Sarah Cavinder objected. There was no sufficient second and therefore a recorded vote was not granted.
Sarah Cavinder moved that the House now do adjourn. The Speaker declared the NAYS had it.
H Res 29 Leo Cavinder called up H. Res. 29. The Clerk reported the resolution in full for the first time.
H Res 29 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 29 PREV QUESTION - The question was on ordering the previous question to the resolution. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it, without objection.
H Res 29 ADOPTION - The question was on ordering adoption of the resolution. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it, without objection.
The Speaker entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah Cavinder spoke for one-minute.
[5:40 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourn under the provisions of House Resolution 12 until February 27, 2022.
Bill Action
[7:24 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were approved.
COMMUNICATION - Assented Bills
[7:27 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned under the provisions of House Resolution 12 until February 25, 2022.
Bill Action
[3:42 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were approved.
H Res 27 Without objection, the House passed H. Res. 27 by unamious consent.
COMMUNICATION - Assented Bills
H J Res 3 Leo Cavinder called up H. J. Res. 3 and asked for its immediate consideration in the House. The Clerk reported the joint resolution for the first time in full.
H J Res 3 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H J Res 3 The question was on ordering the previous question. The YEAS prevailed.
H J Res 3 The question was on third reading. The YEAS prevailed; without objection.
H J Res 3 The question was on adoption. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Sarah Cavinder objected. There was a sufficient second. Roll Call No. 31 YEAS 2 NAYS 1.
H J Res 3 The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Without objection, the motion to re-consider was laid on the table.
[3:48 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned under the provisions of House Resolution 12 until February 23, 2022.
Bill Action
[12:00 PM] The Speaker gaveled the House in, starting a new legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were approved.
COMMUNICATION - State of Emergency Deceleration
H Res 25 Leo Cavinder called up H. Res. 25.
The Clerk reported the Resolution for the first time.
H Res 25 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 25 The question was the on previous question; the YEAS prevailed.
H Res 25 The question was on adoption. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Sarah Cavinder objected.
There was a suffient second. Roll Call No. 26, YEAS 2 NAYS 2.
The Speaker declared the question lost.
H Res 24 Leo Cavinder called up H. Res. 24.
The Clerk reported the Resolution for the first time.
H Res 24 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
H Res 24 The question was the on previous question. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Sarah Cavinder objected.
There was a sufficent second. Roll Call No. 27, YEAS 3 NAYS 1.
The Speaker declared the YEAS had it; previous question ordered.
H Res 24 The question was on adoption of the Resolution.
The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Sarah Cavinder objected.
There was a sufficient second. Roll Call No. 28, YEAS 3 NAYS 1.
The Speaker declared the YEAS had it.
H Res 24 Sarah Cavinder moved to re-consider.
The motion to reconsider; NAYS by voice vote.
[12:28 PM] The Speaker declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[1:34 PM] The Speaker called the House to order, resuming the legislative day.
HR 15 Leo Cavinder called up HR 15.
The Clerk reported the bill in full for the first time.
HR 15 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
HR 15 The question was on ordering the previous question. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it; without objection.
HR 15 The question was on third reading. The YEAS prevailed.
HR 15 The question was on passage of the bill. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. An objection was made.
There was a sufficient second. Roll Call No. 29 YEAS 1 NAYS 3.
The Speaker declared the NAYS had it.
HR 15 Leo Cavinder moved to re-consider. The question was on the motion.
The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. An objection was made.
There was a sufficient second. Roll Call No. 30 YEAS 1 NAYS 3.
The Speaker declared the motion to re-consider was not agreed to.
[1:43 PM] The Speaker entertained requests for one-minute speeches.
Sarah Cavinder spoke for one-minute.
[1:44 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourn under the provisions of House Resolution 12 until Monday.

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