An official website of the House of Commons
House Clerk

Floor Actions

In accordance with Rule V of the Rules of the House, the Clerk must keep a log of the events that occured during each House session.

Total Days Met:

Bill Action
[3:51 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
H Res 18 Leo called up H. Res. 18 and asked for its immediate consideration in the House. Considered privileged. The Clerk read the resolution.
H Res 18 DEBATE - The House held one hour of debate.
H Res 18 PREV QUESTION - Leo moved the previous question. On ordering the previous question agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 18 ADOPTION - On adoption of the resolution agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 19 Tim called up H. Rpt. 242-01 and H. Res. 19 and asked for its immediate consideration in the House. Pursuant to H. Res. 18, the report and resolution were considered read.
H Res 19 DEBATE - The House held one hour of debate.
H Res 19 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to H. Res. 18, the previous question was ordered to the resolution.
H Res 19 ADOPTION - On adoption of the resolution agreed to by recorded vote 2-0, 1 Present (Roll Call No. 44).
H Res 19 RECONSIDERATION - Leo moved to reconsider H. Res. 19. On motion to reconsider not agreed to by recorded vote 0-2, 2 Present (Roll Call No. 45).
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by recorded vote 2-1, 1 Present (Roll Call No. 46).
[4:41 PM] Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[6:55 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
H J Res 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Pursuant to the Orders of the Hosue on July 18 and August 1, the unfinished business was further consideration of the veto message.
H J Res 2 MOTION - Leo moved to table the joint resolution. On motion to table not agreed to by recorded vote 1-3 (Roll Call No. 38).
H J Res 2 MOTION - Leo moved to postpone further consideration until December 31, 2024. On motion to postpone not agreed to by recorded vote 1-3 (Roll Call No. 39).
H J Res 2 MOTION - Leo moved to recommit the joint resolution. On motion to recommit lost by recorded vote 2-2 (Roll Call No. 40).
H J Res 2 DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate.
MOTION - Leo moved to adjourn. On motion to adjourn lost by recorded vote 2-2 (Roll Call No. 41).
H J Res 2 DEBATE - The House resumed debate.
H J Res 2 PREV QUESTION - Leo moved the previous question. On ordering the previous question agreed to by recorded vote 3-1 (Roll Call No. 42).
H J Res 2 ON PASSAGE - On passage of the Joint Resolution, the Objections of the Speaker the the Contrary Notwithstanding agreed to by recorded vote 3-1 (Roll Call No. 43).
H Res 17 Leo called up H. Res. 17 and asked for its immediate consideration in the House. Considered as privileged. The Clerk read the resolution.
H Res 17 DEBATE - The House held one hour of debate.
H Res 17 PREV QUESTION - Leo moved the previous question. On ordering the previous question agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 17 ADOPTION - On adoption of the resolution agreed to by voice vote.
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
[7:19 PM] Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Speaker signed H. J. Res. 3, HR 5, HR 6 on July 27.
H J Res 2 UNAMIOUS CONSENT - Leo asked unamious consent to amend the Order of the House on July 18, 2024 to postpone further consideration of the veto of H J Res 2 to August 7, 2024. Without objection.
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[5:37 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
HR 5 Leo moved to suspend the rules and pass HR 5. The Clerk reported the bill.
HR 5 DEBATE - The House held forty minutes of debate.
POINT OF ORDER - Leo moved to strike the words of Sarah. The Chair sustained the point of order. Sarah appealed the ruling of the Chair.
APPEAL RULING OF CHAIR - Sarah was recognized to speak on the appeal. On shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the House, the Chair declared the yeas had it by voice vote. Sarah demanded a recorded vote. The Chair postponed further proceedings on this question.
HR 5 DEBATE - The House resumed debate.
POINT OF ORDER - Leo moved to strike the words of Sarah. The Chair sustained the point of order. Sarah appealed the ruling of the Chair.
APPEAL RULING OF CHAIR - Sarah was recognized to speak on the appeal. On shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the House, the Chair declared the yeas had it by voice vote. Sarah demanded a recorded vote. The Chair postponed further proceedings on this question.
HR 5 DEBATE - The House resumed debate.
HR 5 On motion to suspend the rules and pass, the Chair declared the yeas had it. Sarah demanded a recorded vote. The Chair postponed further proceedings on this question.
[6:11 PM] The Chair declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[6:35 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
HR 6 Leo moved to suspend the rules and pass HR 6. The Clerk reported the bill.
HR 6 DEBATE - The House held forty minutes of debate.
HR 6 On motion to suspend the rules and pass, the Chair declared the yeas had it. Sarah demanded a recorded vote. The Chair postponed further proceedings on this question.
H J Res 4 Leo moved to suspend the rules and pass H J Res 3. The Clerk reported the Joint Resolution.
H J Res 4 DEBATE - The House held forty minutes of debate.
H J Res 4 On motion to suspend the rules and pass, the Chair declared the yeas had it. Sarah demanded a recorded vote. The Chair postponed further proceedings on this question.
H J Res 3 Leo moved to suspend the rules and pass H J Res 4. The Clerk reported the Joint Resolution.
H J Res 3 DEBATE - The House held forty minutes of debate.
H J Res 3 POINT OF ORDER - Sarah raised a point of order that a quorum was not present. The Clerk called the roll to determine if a quorum was present. 4 recorded present (Roll Call No. 32). A quorum was present.
H J Res 3 On motion to suspend the rules and pass, agreed to by voice vote.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on shall the decision of the chair stand as the judgement of the House. On shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgement of the House agreed to by recorded vote 3-1 (Roll Call No. 33).
UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on shall the decision of the chair stand as the judgement of the House. On shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgement of the House agreed to by recorded vote 3-1 (Roll Call No. 34).
HR 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on the motion to suspend the rules and pass HR 5. On motion to suspend the rules and pass agreed to by recorded vote 3-1 (Roll Call No. 35).
HR 6 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on the motion to suspend the rules and pass HR 6. On motion to suspend the rules and pass agreed to by recorded vote 3-1 (Roll Call No. 36).
H J Res 4 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on the motion to suspend the rules and pass H. J. Res. 4. On motion to suspend the rules and pass lost to by recorded vote 2-2 (Roll Call No. 37).
MOTION - Sarah moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
[7:03 PM] Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[7:29 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
H J Res 2 COMMUNICATION - The Speaker sent to the House a veto message to H. J. Res. 2. Without objection, the veto message and further consideration of H. J. Res. 2 were postponed to August 1, 2024.
UNAMIOUS CONSENT - Leo asked unanimous consent that the House be permitted to consider motions to suspend the rules and pass measures. Without objection,
H Res 16 Leo moved to suspend the rules and pass H. Res. 16. The Clerk reported the resolution.
H Res 16 DEBATE - The House held forty minutes of debate.
[7:52 PM] The Speaker declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[7:55 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
H Res 16 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business was further consideration of H. Res. 16.
H Res 16 DEBATE - The House resumed debate.
H Res 16 On motion to suspend the rules and pass lost by recorded vote 2-2 (Roll Call No. 31).
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
[8:00 PM] Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[7:24 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
H J Res 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Pursuant to the Order of the House of July 11, 2024, the unfinished business was further consideration of the motion to suspend the rules and pass H. J. Res. 2.
H J Res 2 DEBATE - The House resumed debate.
H J Res 2 On motion to suspend the rules and pass agreed to by recorded vote 2-1 (Roll Call No. 30).
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - Sarah, Tim, the Speaker spoke.
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
[7:53 PM] Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
UNAMIOUS CONSENT - Leo asked unamious consent that the unfinished business of July 8, 2024 be considered on July 15, 2024. Without objection.
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[1:30 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
MOTION - Sarah moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn not agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 15 Tim moved to suspend the rules and pass H. Res. 15. The Clerk reported the resolution.
H Res 15 DEBATE - The House held forty minutes of debate.
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn not agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 15 DEBATE - The House resumed debate.
H Res 15 On motion to suspend the rules and pass not agreed to by voice vote.
H J Res 2 Tim moved to suspend the rules and pass H. J. Res. 2. The Clerk reported the Joint Resolution.
H J Res 2 DEBATE - The House held forty minutes of debate.
MOTION - Sarah moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
[2:16 PM] Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[12:00 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Pursuant to the Constitution of the House, the Speaker declared the Second Session of the 2024th Assembly of the House to order.
The Speaker announced his approval of the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings. Pursuant to Clause 1 of Rule 1, the Journal stands approved.
COMMUNICATION - The Speaker signed the following measures on June 28: H. Res. 12, H. Res. 13, and H. Res. 14
COMMUNICATION - The Sergeant-at-Arms reported working fire alarms and extinguishers for the month of June 2024.
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn not agreed to by voice vote.
NM 13 Leo called up Nomination No. 13 and asked for its immediate consideration in the House. The Clerk reported the nomination.
NM 13 DEBATE - The House held one hour of debate.
POINT OF ORDER - Sarah moved to strike the words of Leo. The Chair overruled the point of order. Sarah appealed the ruling of the Chair.
APPEAL RULING OF CHAIR - The gentlewoman was recognized to speak on the appeal. On shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgement of the House not agreed to by recorded vote 1-2 (Roll Call No. 27). The point of order was sustained.
NM 13 DEBATE - The House resumed debate.
NM 13 ON CONFIRMATION - On confirming the nominee agreed to by recorded vote 2-1 (Roll Call No. 28). The Speaker was notified of the action of the House.
NM 14 Leo called up Nomination No. 14 and asked for its immediate consideration in the House. The Clerk reported the nomination.
NM 14 DEBATE - The House held one hour of debate.
NM 14 ON CONFIRMATION - On confirming the nominee agreed to by recorded vote 2-0, 1 Present (Roll Call No. 29). The Speaker was notified of the action of the House.
MOTION - Leo moved that the House do now adjourn. On motion to adjourn agreed to by voice vote.
[12:44 PM] Accordingly, the Chair declared the House adjourned.

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