An official website of the House of Commons
House Clerk

Floor Actions

In accordance with Rule V of the Rules of the House, the Clerk must keep a log of the events that occured during each House session. In an effort to transation to a more digital version of the House, effective February 17, 2022, the House Records will be posted electronically only. You can view the House Records prior to February 17th here .
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to H Res 12, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to H Res 12, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[6:17 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 78 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent that the House agree to H Res 78. Agreed to without objection.
[6:18 PM] Pursuant to H Res 12, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[2:41 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Assented Bills H J Res 16, H Res 77, H Res 76, HR 38
Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent that the House consider motions to suspend the rules and pass. Agreed to without objection.
H Res 78 Leo Cavinder moved that the House suspend the rules and pass H Res 78. The Clerk read the Resolution in full for the first time.
H Res 78 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 78 Question on motion to suspend and pass failed by voice vote. Lacked a sufficient second for recorded vote.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - Sarah, Speaker, Tim spoke.
[3:16 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Chair declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[7:00 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 77 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass the Resolution. The Clerk read the Resolution in full.
H Res 77 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 77 Question on motion to suspend the rules and pass agreed to by voice vote.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - Sarah, Speaker Spoke.
[7:09 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[6:54 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 77 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent that the House agree to H Res 77. Sarah objected.
[6:58 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[8:11 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - Sarah, Tim, Speaker Spoke.
[8:30 PM] MOTION - Tim Cavinder moved to adjourn. Agreed to by voice vote.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to H Res 12, the House stands adjourned.
Bill Action
[6:31 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 38 The unfinished business is the vote on adoption to HR 38. A recorded vote was requested and there was a sufficent second.
HR 38 The question of adoption agreed to by recorded vote 2-1 (Roll Call No 63). A motion to reconsider was made and laid upon the table.
HR 38 Sarah moved to take from the table the motion to reconsider. Agreed to by recorded vote 2-1 (Roll Call No 64).
HR 38 Leo moved to adopt agreed to by recorded vote 2-1 (Roll Call No 65).
[6:43 PM] RECESS - Pursuant to Clause 9(a) of Rule 1, the House is in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[7:15 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
H J Res 16 Pursuant to Clause 1(c) of Rule 7, the House resumed consideration of the joint resolution.
H J Res 16 DEBATE - The House resumed debate of the joint resolution.
H J Res 16 MATERIALS FOR THE RECORD - Sarah asked unamious consent to submit materials for the record to the bill. Agreed to without objection.
H J Res 16 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to H Res 76, the previous question was considered order.
H J Res 16 ADOPTION - The question on adoption agreed to by voice vote. Without objection, a motion to reconsider was maid and laid upon the table.
COMMUNICATION - Bills Assented on Nov., 12 2022: H J Res 15, HR 36, H Res 75, HR 37
NM 3 NOMINATION - Leo Cavinder nominated Tim Cavinder to serve as Secretary of Department of Commerce. Referred to House Calendar.
NM 3 Leo Cavinder moved to take from the House Calendar the nomination. The question was on the nomination. Agreed to by recorded vote 3-0 (Roll Call No 66). The Speaker was notified of the House's actions.
ONE-MINUTES SPEECHES - The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah spoke.
[7:37 PM] Pursuant to H Res 12, the House stands adjourned until Friday.
Bill Action
[6:49 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 76 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass H Res 76.
H Res 76 The Clerk reported the title of the Resolution.
H Res 76 DEBATE - The House held 40 mintutes of debate pursuant to Clause I of Rule 16.
H Res 76 Question on motion to suspend the rules and pass agreed to by voice vote.
HR 38 Pursuant to H Res 76, Leo Cavinder moved to consider HR 38. The Clerk read the bill for the first time.
HR 38 DEBATE - Pursuant to H Res 76, the House held one hour of debate.
[7:08 PM] MOTION - Sarah moved to recess Subject to the Call of the Chair. Agreed to by voice vote.
[7:11 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
HR 38 DEBATE - Pursuant to Clause 1(c) of Rule 7, the House resumed debate of HR 38.
HR 38 THIRD READING - The question was on third reading. Agreed to.
HR 38 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to H Res 76, the previous question was ordered to the bill.
HR 38 ADOPTION - The question was on adoption. The YEAS had it and a recored vote was demanded. Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 6, further proceedings on this question were postponed.
HR 38 TWO-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Chair entertained requests for two minutes. Sarah spoke.
H J Res 16 Pursuant to H Res 76, Leo Cavinder moved to consider H J Res 16. The Clerk read the joint resolution for the first time.
H J Res 16 DEBATE - Pursuant to H Res 76, the House held one hour of debate.
H J Res 16 POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - Pursuant to Clause 1(c) of Rule 7, further proceedings of H J Res 16 are postponed (56:44)
[7:32 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the House stands adjourned until Wednesday.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[4:56 PM] The House came to order
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to consider motion to suspend and pass. Agreed to without objection.
H Res 75 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. The Clerk reported the title.
H Res 75 DEBATE - The House held 40 minutes of debate.
H Res 75 The motion to suspend the rules and pass agreed to by voice vote.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Speaker entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah, Tim spoke.
[5:07 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the House stands adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[12:40 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to consider motion to suspend the rules and pass measures. Agreed to without objection.
H Res 74 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. The Clerk reported the title.
H Res 74 DEBATE - The House held 40 minutes of debate.
H Res 74 Motion to suspend the rules and pass was objected. Further consideration postponed.
HR 36 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. The Clerk reported the title.
HR 36 DEBATE - The House held 40 minutes of debate.
HR 36 Motion to suspend the rules and pass was agreed to by voice vote.
HR 37 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. The Clerk reported the title.
HR 37 DEBATE - The House held 40 minutes of debate.
HR 37 Motion to suspend the rules and pass was agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 74 Question on motion to suspend the rules and pass. Failed on recorded vote 1-2 (Roll Call No 62).
[1:15 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[5:36 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
RESIGNATION - Sarah E. Cavinder submitted a resignation as Secretary of Commerce. Agreed to without objection.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - Sarah, Speaker spoke.
[5:40 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[3:53 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H J Res 15 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass.
H J Res 15 DEBATE - The House held 40 minutes of debate.
H J Res 15 Motion to suspend the rules and pass agreed to by voice vote.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - Sarah, Speaker spoke.
[4:02 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[4:09 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Assented Bills
NOMINATION - Sarah E. Cavinder to serve as Secretary of Commerce until such time
NOMINATION - Referred to the House Calendar pursuant to Rule 19
NOMINATION - Leo Cavinder moved to take from the House Calendar NM 2
NOMINATION - Question on confirmation. Agreed to by recorded vote 3-0 (Roll Call No 61). Speaker notifed of House's actions.
[4:14 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[5:56 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 35 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill HR 35. The Clerk reported the title of the bill.
HR 35 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
HR 35 The question on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill agreed to by voice vote.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - Sarah, The Speaker spoke.
[6:22 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[4:59 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
JOURNAL - Sarah objected to to the Journal. A recorded vote was ordered. The Yeas had it 3-0 (Roll Call No 61). The Journal was agreed to.
[5:01 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[5:58 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 35 Leo Cavinder move to suspend the rules and pass the bill. The Clerk reported the title of the bill.
HR 35 DEBATE - The House held 40 minutes of debate.
HR 35 Motion to suspend the rules and pass was objected by voice vote. Further proceedings on this question were postponed.
[6:07 PM] The Chair declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[7:46 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
HR 35 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished vote was the vote on the motion to suspend the rules and pass HR 35 on which an objection was heard. There was a suffient second for a recorded vote.
HR 35 Motion to suspend the rules and pass failed/not agreed to: 1-1-1 (Roll Call No 59)
HR 35 Leo Cavinder moved to reconsider. Motion to reconsider the motion to suspend the rules and pass failed/not agreed to: 1-1-1 (Roll Call No 60)
[7:57 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the House stands adjourned. Pursuant to House Resolution 73, the House stands adjourned as a further mark of respect to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Bill Action
[6:50 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 73 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent that the House agree to the Resolution. Agreed to without objection.
H Res 73 Sarah asked unamious consent to speak out of order for one-minute. Agreed to without objection.
[6:53 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the House stands adjourned. Pursuant to House Resolution 73, the House stands adjourned as a further mark of respect to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Bill Action
[5:28 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah, Speaker spoke.
[5:43 PM] MOTION - Leo Cavinder moved the House now do adjourn. Agreed to.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the House stands adjourned until Tuesday.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the House stands adjourned until Tuesday.
Bill Action
The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the House stands adjourned until Tuesday.
Bill Action
[6:18 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
[6:19 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the House stands adjourned until Thursday.
Bill Action
[6:58 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
Sarah made a motion to recess. Agreed to by voice vote.
RECESS - [6:59 PM] The Chair declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[7:03 PM] The Chair called the House to order, resuming the legislative day.
COMMUNICATION - The Speakers Room, August 18, 2022, Declaration No 222-01
HR 31 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent that the House pass HR 31. Objection heard.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Chair entertainted requests for one-minute speeches. Speaker, Sarah spoke.
[7:05 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the House stands adjourned until Monday.
Bill Action
[2:02 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 34 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. Measure read.
HR 34 DEBATE- Pursuant to the Rules, the House held fourty minutes of debate.
HR 34 Question on motion to suspend and pass agreed to by voice vote.
HR 33 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. Measure read.
HR 33 DEBATE- Pursuant to the Rules, the House held fourty minutes of debate.
HR 33 Question on motion to suspend and pass failed by recorded vote 1-2 (Roll Call No. 56)
HR 32 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. Measure read.
HR 32 DEBATE- Pursuant to the Rules, the House held fourty minutes of debate.
HR 32 Question on motion to suspend and pass failed by recorded vote 1-2 (Roll Call No. 57)
H J Res 14 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. Measure read.
H J Res 14 DEBATE- Pursuant to the Rules, the House held fourty minutes of debate.
H J Res 14 Question on motion to suspend and pass agreed to by voice vote.
HR 31 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. Measure read.
HR 31 DEBATE- Pursuant to the Rules, the House held fourty minutes of debate.
HR 31 Question on motion to suspend and pass failed by recorded vote 1-2 (Roll Call No. 58)
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Speaker, Sarah spoke.
[2:50 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned until Thursday.
Bill Action
[7:29 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
[7:30 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the Hosue adjourned.
Bill Action
[6:48 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 69 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. The Clerk read the title of the measure.
H Res 69 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debtate.
H Res 69 POINT OF ORDER AGAINST CONSIDERATION - Leo Cavinder made a point of order that H Res 69 in not in the proper form to be considered in the House.
H Res 69 The question was on the point of order. The Chair declared the YEAS had it and the point of order was withstained.
H Res 70 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. The Clerk read the title of the measure.
H Res 70 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debtate. All time for debate expired.
H Res 70 The question was on adoption. The Chair declared the NAYS had it by voice vote.
H Res 70 ENTERING MATERIALS FOR THE RECORD - Without objection, Sarah entered material to submit for the record to H Res 70.
[7:37 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the Hosue adjourned until Friday.
Bill Action
[5:16 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 3(a) of Rule 1 and Clause 1 of Rule 11, the Speaker signed the following on August 4th: HR 30, as amended
Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent that the House consider motions to suspend the rules and pass measures. Agreed to without objection.
H J Res 13 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. The Clerk reported the title of the measure.
DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
The question on the motion to suspend and pass. Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 67 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. The Clerk reported the title of the measure.
H Res 67 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 67 The question on the motion to suspend the rules and pass. The Speaker declared the NAYS had it. Sarah objected.
H Res 67 POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings on this question were postponed.
H Res 66 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. The Clerk reported the title of the measure.
H Res 66 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 66 MOTION - Leo Cavinder moved to postpone indefiently the motion to suspend the rules and pass.
H Res 66 The question on the motion. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Sarah objected.
H Res 66 POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings on this question were postponed.
H Res 68 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass. The Clerk reported the title of the measure.
H Res 68 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 68 MOTION - Leo Cavinder moved to postpone indefiently the motion to suspend the rules and pass.
H Res 68 The question on the motion. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Sarah objected.
H Res 68 POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings on this question were postponed.
[5:30 PM] The Chair declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[5:42 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
H Res 67 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass H Res 67. The Chair asked if there was a sufficent second. There was. Agreed to 3-0 (Roll Call No 52).
H Res 66 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business was on the motion to postpone indefiently the motion to suspend the rules and pass H Res 66. The Chair asked if there was a sufficent second. There was. Agreed to 2-1 (Roll Call No 53).
H Res 68 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business was on the motion to postpone indefiently the motion to suspend the rules and pass H Res 68. The Chair asked if there was a sufficent second. There was. Agreed to 3-0 (Roll Call No 54).
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah, Tim spoke.
[5:53 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned until Tuesday.
Bill Action
[7:36 PM] The Speaker called the House to order, starting the legislative day.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES: The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah, Tim spoke.
MOMENT OF SILENCE - The House held a momet of silence in remberance of the Honorable Jackie Walorski.
[7:40 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned until August 6, 2022.
Bill Action
[6:13 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 3(a) of Rule 1 and Clause 1 of Rule 11 of the Rules of the House, the Speaker signed the following on August 1, 2022: H Res 64, H Res 62, H Res 61, H Res 58, H Res 59, H Res 63, H J Res 11, H J Res 12
[6:14 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned until Thursday, August 4th, 2022.
Bill Action
[8:00 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
HR 30 Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent that the Clerk be authorized to make technical and conforming changes to the engrossment of the bill. Agreed to without objection.
TWO-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Chair entertained requests for two-minute speeches. Sarah spoke.
[8:07 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[5:32 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 63 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass H Res 63. The Clerk read the resolution for the first time.
H Res 63 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H Res 63 RECOMMIT - Sarah moved to recommit the resolution. The NAYS had it by voice vote, Sarah objected.
H Res 63 POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings on this question were postponed.
H Res 64 Leo Cavinder moved to consider H Res 64. Considered as privilged. The Clerk read the resolution for the first time.
H Res 64 DEBATE - The House held one hour of debate.
H Res 64 PREV QUESTION - Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 64 ADOPTION - Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 30 Pursuant to H Res 64, Leo Cavinder moved to consider HR 30. Pursuant to the Rule, all amendments printed in Part A of House Report 222-01 are considered as adopted.
HR 30 DEBATE - Pursuant to H Res 64, the House held one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by a proponent and an opponent, or their designees.
HR 30 Pursuant to Clause 1(c) of Rule 7, further proceedings on HR 30 were postponed.
[5:56 PM] RECESS - Leo Cavinder moved to recess Subject to the Call of the Chair. Agreed to by voice vote.
The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
HR 30 Pursuant to Clause 1(c) of Rule 7, the House resumed consideration of HR 30.
HR 30 Pursuant to H Res 64, Leo Cavinder moved to consider amendments en bloc. The Clerk designated the amendments. Amendments No. 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9 printed in Part B of House Report 222-01.
HR 30 DEBATE - Pursuant to H Res 64, the House held thirty minutes of debate equally divided and controlled by a proponet and an opponent, or their designees.
HR 30 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to H Res 64, the previous question was ordered on amendments en bloc.
HR 30 CONCURRENCE - The question was on agreeing to the amendments. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 30 Leo Cavinder called up Amendement No. 2. The Clerk designed the amendment.
HR 30 DEBATE - Pursuant to H Res 64, the House held ten minutes of debate equally divided and controlled by a proponent and an opponent, or their designees.
HR 30 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to H Res 64, the previous question was ordered on amendment No. 2.
HR 30 CONCURRENCE - The question was on agreeing to the amendment. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 30 Leo Cavinder called up Amendement No. 7. The Clerk designed the amendment.
HR 30 DEBATE - Pursuant to H Res 64, the House held ten minutes of debate equally divided and controlled by a proponent and an opponent, or their designees.
HR 30 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to H Res 64, the previous question was ordered on amendment No. 7.
HR 30 CONCURRENCE - The question was on agreeing to the amendment. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 30 Leo Cavinder called up Amendement No. 10. The Clerk designed the amendment.
HR 30 DEBATE - Pursuant to H Res 64, the House held ten minutes of debate equally divided and controlled by a proponent and an opponent, or their designees.
HR 30 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to H Res 64, the previous question was ordered on amendment No. 10.
HR 30 CONCURRENCE - The question was on agreeing to the amendment. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 30 Leo Cavinder called up Amendement No. 11. The Clerk designed the amendment.
HR 30 DEBATE - Pursuant to H Res 64, the House held ten minutes of debate equally divided and controlled by a proponent and an opponent, or their designees.
HR 30 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to H Res 64, the previous question was ordered on amendment No. 11.
HR 30 CONCURRENCE - The question was on agreeing to the amendment. Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 30 Leo Cavinder called up Amendement No. 12. The Clerk designed the amendment.
HR 30 DEBATE - Pursuant to H Res 64, the House held ten minutes of debate equally divided and controlled by a proponent and an opponent, or their designees.
HR 30 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to H Res 64, the previous question was ordered on amendment No. 12.
HR 30 CONCURRENCE - The question was on agreeing to the amendment. The YEAS had it by voice vote, Sarah objected.
HR 30 POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings on this question were postponed.
HR 30 Pursuant to Clause 1(c) of Rule 7, further proceedings on HR 30 were postponed.
[6:52 PM] The Chair declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[7:11 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
HR 30 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business was the vote on concurrence on amendment No. 12 printed in Part B of House Report 222-01, on which the YEAS prevailed by voice vote and on which a recored vote was requsted. The Clerk re-designated the amendment. There was not a sufficent second and therefore the amendment was agreed to by voice vote.
HR 30 ENGROSSMENT AND THIRD READING - Agreed to by voice vote.
HR 30 PREV QUESTION - Pursuant to H Res 64, the previous question was considered as ordered to the bill.
HR 30 ON PASSAGE - Agreed to by voice vote.
H Res 63 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business was the vote on the motion to recommit on which the NAYS prevailed by voice vote and one which a recored vote was requested. The Clerk reported the title of the resolution. There was a sufficient second. Not agreed to by recored vote: 1-2 (Roll Call No 50)
H Res 63 SUSPEND AND PASS - The question was on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the resolution. The YEAS prevailed, Sarah objected. There was a sufficient second. Agreed to by recorded vote: 2-1 (Roll Call No 51)
[7:19 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned until Friday.
Bill Action
[6:40 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah, Tim spoke.
[6:43 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned, pursuant to House Resolution 12.
Bill Action
[5:20 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
H Res 62 UNAMIOUS CONSENT REQUEST - Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to agree to the Resolution. The Clerk read the resolution for the first time. Agreed to without objection.
H J Res 9 UNAMIOUS CONSENT REQUEST - Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to amend the July 7th Order of the House to consider the veto override vote on July 15. Agreed to without objection.
[5:25 PM] RECESS - The Chair declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[5:28 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Chair entertained requests for one-minute speeches.
H J Res 9 Pursuant to the Order of the House, the question was on overriding the veto. Not agreed to by voice vote.
H J Res 9 The Veto Message and bill were referred to the Committee on Rules & Reform.
[5:45 PM] The Speaker declared the House adjourned until July 26, 2022.
Bill Action
[4:46 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
NM 1 Leo Cavinder called up NM 1 from the House Calender. The Clerk reported the nomination. The question was on confirmation. Agreed to by voice vote. The Speaker was notifed of the House's actions.
H Res 60 The Speaker moved to suspend the rules and pass H Res 60. The Clerk reported the title.
H Res 60 DEBATE - The House held 40 minutes of debate.
H Res 60 The question on was the motion to suspend and pass. The Speaker declared the NAYS had it. Sarah objected. Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings were postponed.
H Res 61 The Speaker moved to suspend the rules and pass H Res 61. The Clerk reported the title.
H Res 61 DEBATE - The House held 40 minutes of debate.
H Res 61 The question on was the motion to suspend and pass. The Speaker declared the NAYS had it. Tim objected. Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings were postponed.
[5:02 PM] RECESS - The Speaker declared the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[7:44 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
H Res 60 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - vote on the motion to suspend the rules and pass H Res 60, on which the NAYS prevailed by voice vote. A recorded vote was requested, there was a sufficient second.
H Res 60 Question on motion lost: 1-1, 1 Present (Roll Call No 48)
H Res 61 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - vote on the motion to suspend the rules and pass H Res 61, on which the NAYS prevailed by voice vote. A recorded vote was requested, there was a sufficient second.
H Res 61 Question on motion agreed to: 2-0, 1 Present (Roll Call No 49)
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Speaker entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah, Speaker spoke.
[7:55 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned until Friday.
Bill Action
[11:08 AM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
[11:09 AM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned.
Bill Action
[6:41 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
COMMUNICATION - Pursuant to Clause 3(a) of Rule 1 and Rule 11 of the Rules of the House, the Speaker signed the following on July 5, 2022: H J Res 10
VETO MESSAGE - The Speaker hereby vetoed H J Res 9. Without objection, the House will consider the bill and the veto message on July 16, 2022.
NOMINATION - Pursuant to Rule XIX of the Rules of the House, the Speaker nominated Leo W. Cavinder to serve as Secretary of the Highway Management Agency; until such. Placed on the House Calendar.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Speaker entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah, Tim spoke.
[6:47 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned until July 8, 2022.
Bill Action
[2:54 PM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES - The Speaker entertained requests for one-minute speeches. Sarah spoke.
H Res 59 UNAMIOUS CONSENT REQUEST - Leo Cavinder asked unamious consent to pass H Res 59. Agreed to without objection.
H J Res 9 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass H J Res 9. The Clerk reported the title.
H J Res 9 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H J Res 9 The question was on the motion to suspend and pass. The Speaker declared the NAYS had it. Sarah objected.
H J Res 9 Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 9, further proceedings on the question were postponed.
H J Res 11 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass H J Res 11. The Clerk reported the title.
H J Res 11 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H J Res 11 The question was on the motion to suspend and pass. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Agreed to without objection.
H J Res 12 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass H J Res 12. The Clerk reported the title.
H J Res 12 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H J Res 12 The question was on the motion to suspend and pass. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Agreed to without objection.
H J Res 10 Leo Cavinder moved to suspend the rules and pass H J Res 10. The Clerk reported the title.
H J Res 10 DEBATE - The House held fourty minutes of debate.
H J Res 10 The question was on the motion to suspend and pass. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Agreed to without objection.
H Res 58 Pursuant to H Res 59, Leo Cavinder moved to consider H Res 58. The Clerk reported the measure for the first time.
H Res 58 DEBATE - The House held one hour of debate controlled by the Chair and Ranking Member of the Select Committee to Investigate House Renovation Practices.
H Res 58 PREV QUESTION - The previous question is considered as ordered.
H Res 58 The question was on adoption of the resolution. The Speaker declared the YEAS had it. Agreed to by voice vote.
[3:31 PM] RECESS - The Speaker decalred the House in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[3:48 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
H J Res 9 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The unfinished business was the vote on the motion to suspend the rules and pass H J Res 9. The Clerk asked if there was a sufficient second. There was.
H J Res 9 The question was on the motion. Agreed to by recorded vote 2-1.
[3:50 PM] Pursuant to House Resolution 12, the Speaker declared the House adjourned until July 6.
Bill Action
[11:58 AM] The House came to order, starting the legislative day.
Without objection, the Journal of the Last Days Proceedings were agreed to.
[11:59 AM] The Chair declared the 1st Session of the 2022nd Assembly of the House adjourned Sine Die.
[12:00 PM] This being the time and day fixed for the 2nd Session of the 2022nd Assembly of the House, the House came to order.
SPECIAL ORDER SPEECHES - The House entertained special order speeches.
[12:21 PM] Pursuant to Clause 9(a) of Rule 1, the House stands in Recess Subject to the Call of the Chair.
[3:10 PM] The House came to order, resuming the legislative day.
SPECIAL ORDER SPEECHES - The House entertained special order speeches.
[3:42 PM] Leo Cavinder moved to adjoured. Agreed to by voice vote. The House stands adjourned until July 5, 2022.

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