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House Clerk

House Committees

Archive of the 2023rd Assembly of the House

This page was last updated December 31, 2023.

Measures in this typeface shall indicate the measure was discharged out of Committee.
Chair | Leo W. Cavinder
Ranking Member | Timothy Cavinder
Access Amendment Resources
Bill Sponsor Members Title Information
HR 1 Leo Cavinder 2023 Consolidated Appropiations Act
HR 2 Leo Cavinder Fire and Carbon Monoxide Safety Act
HR 3 Leo Cavinder Tax Exemptions and Deductions Act (TEDA) Hearing
February 4, 2023 at 1:30 PM
Via Google Meets
Amendment Process
Open Rule / Any Amendment in Writing in Order
H Res 10 Leo Cavinder Expressing the need for proper oral care Hearing
February 4, 2023 at 1:30 PM
Via Google Meets
Amendment Process
Closed Rule / No Amendments in Order
HR 4 Sarah Cavinder Legalize Ranch Act
HR 5 Leo Cavinder Marijuana Prohibition Act
HR 9 Leo Cavinder The Disclosure Reporting Act (TDRA) Hearing
April 29, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Via Google Meets
Amendment Process
Closed Rule / No Amendments in Order
HR 10 Leo Cavinder The Privacy Act of 2023 Hearing
July 1, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Via Google Meets
Amendment Process
Due by 6/29 at 11:59 PM
HR 12 Leo Cavinder The Privacy Rights Act --
HR 13 Leo Cavinder The Seatbelt Act --
Chair | Leo W. Cavinder
Ranking Member | Christina Cavinder

Bill Sponsor Members Title Information
H Res 24 Sarah Cavinder Censure Leo W. Cavinder, a Member of the House --
Bill Sponsor Members Title
HR 3 Leo Cavinder Tax Exemptions and Deductions Act (TEDA)
HR 10, as reported by Committee on Natural Resources Leo Cavinder The Privacy Act of 2023
HR 24 Leo Cavinder Tax Fairness and Boost Act
Chair | Christina Cavinder
Ranking Member | Timothy Cavinder

Bill Sponsor Members Title

Markup Session for 2023 Vacation

Current Status | House Concurres

Date: May 1, 2023
Location: In-person
Purpose: As required under the Better Vacation Planning Act, the Committee on Vacation meets to debate and vote on each submitted location for consideration of 2023 Vacation.
Presiding: Christina Cavinder, Chair


The Committee has not subpoenaed anyone.

Locations to be Considered

The Chair and Ranking Member will vote on each location. If both vote NAY, the location will no longer be considered. If there is a tie, the location will move forward. If both vote YEA, the location will move forward. Results will be in a House Report and sent to the Speaker.

  • Las Vegas, NV
    Chair NAY, Ranking Member NAY
  • Michigan
    Chair YEA, Ranking Member YEA
  • Tennessee
    Chair YEA, Ranking Member YEA
  • Virginia
    Chair YEA, Ranking Member YEA
  • Wisconsin
    Chair YEA, Ranking Member YEA
  • Israel
    Chair NAY, Ranking Member NAY
  • LaSalle County, Illinois
    Chair YEA, Ranking Member YEA

House Concurrence

House agrees to H Res 19, provides for summer vacation to LaSalle County, Illinois.


House Report No. 231-03 [Timothy Cavinder, Committee on Vacation]

Chair | Christina Cavinder
Ranking Member | Sarah Cavinder

Bill Sponsor Members Title
Chair | Timothy Cavinder
Ranking Member | Christina Cavinder

Bill Sponsor Members Title
Chair | Sarah Cavinder
Ranking Member | Leo W. Cavinder

Bill Sponsor Members Title Information
HR 10 Leo Cavinder The Privacy Act of 2023 Hearing
June 24, 2023 at 11:00 AM
In-Person, New Room Annex
Reported Favorably